Abstract photography

March 17, 2012

This my contribution to Scott Thomas’ “Abstract Photography” assignment :  http://viewsinfinitum.com/2012/03/07/assignment-18-abstract-photography/    Something new to me, a real challenge. Today is March 17,  St Patrick’s Day. A day  coloured in green for all Irish people and friends of Ireland, so I might as well  start with an abstract picture in the shades of beautiful Erin.

I was attracted by this more urban abstract that reminded me a little of Juan Miro’s surrealist painting.

Smiling as I post this picture because of all the efforts it took me to make it look “abstract”, in spite of its very real nature.

A seasonal  photography, the poetic side of abstraction.

Lines, colors, contrasts soaring to the sky.

White and more

March 11, 2012

Hello Dear you all,

As I just wrote in my previous post, it felt so good to find your warm thoughts and messages  as I came back home. Thank you so much for your visits, encouraging comments and good wishes, it really meant a lot to me. I feel much better and slowly but surely all my energy will come back.  As I left home, snow was falling heavily behind this window you know well by now.

Today there is still some snow around but the sun is brighter on nature green patches. I like to think that Spring is not far and that all sorts of colours will spread over our  Winter landscape.

Colours are everywhere though  even in hospitals where white used to be the norm. I tried to catch a few of them to share with you.All day long the light changes and brings out colourful details on a wardrobe or on a bouquet of flowers. Behind the curtain the evening lights look like stars and I loved to look at the houses nearby in the  soft early morning shades. Then there is this bright small lamp, companion of some sleepless nights.The lamp and the book. An interesting story and one I enjoyed reading. The story – based on true facts – takes place during  WWII when some American pilots had their planes shot down by the ennemy. Many of them died. Some  men parachuted over French Occupied territory and were lucky to be saved by members of the French Résistance (partisans). Dangerous days, weeks and months awaited all those involved in the rescue of the Allied soldiers, including the pilots themselves, of course. This book kept me awake for many hours until a nurse would check on me and say : “Now you must sleep !” But then during the day, she would ask me : “How is the story going on ?” 😉

There were quite a lot of emails waiting for me on my PC. One of them was from Scott Thomas at Views Infinitum.

The good news was that a new photography challenge has been assigned by Scott Thomas.  The subject is one I look forward to working on : Abstract Photography.

Maybe you would like to participate too ?  Please do. Deadline is March 21st, 2012.  All details are explained here :


A little “thank you gift” for  your thoughtfulness for me :Pour toi, for you, a choco heart !