Best wishes to all

December 31, 2013

For a HAPPY NEW YEAR with light and colors on the horizon of your life.

A boat in the sunset cruising on the Bosphorus strait last November. A short but most pleasant stay  in Istanbul with my family. It was a surprise trip for our eldest son and the most enjoyable experience for the four of us.


May your New Year fit nicely in this colorful year cycle. This is how I interpreted this painting in the astronomy section of the superb Museum of the History of Science & Technology in Islam  from the 9th-17th centuries through a series of replicas of its greatest achievements and inventions (Gülhane Park in Istanbul).


The objects displayed serve to honour a number of the sciences including astronomy, geometry, chemistry, physics, optics, mineralogy, architecture, time measurement and war technology. They attempt to show how discoveries made across the Islamic world were adopted, altered and assimilated into European culture.

Thank you to each and all of you for sharing with me your own pictures and experiences here and there, your own  beliefs, traditions and cultures. I really believe that it is in communicating with others, all over the world, that we start understanding one another better. Less fear of the unknown and more peace all around.

Bonne et heureuse Année !


29 Responses to “Best wishes to all”

  1. sybil said

    Bonne Année a toi aussi.

  2. Kathy said

    Isa, Happy New Year to you! I am glad you are in the world shining your light.

  3. From Texas to you, here’s hoping a very good year is ahead for you and all of your family.

    Best regards, yvonne

  4. shoreacres said

    And from Yvonne’s neighbor in Texas, more good wishes for the New Year! I’m so happy to know you, learn from you and enjoy your beautiful posts. Best wishes to you and yours!

    • Linda, what touching words ! You and Yvonne, my Texas friends, are precious and I wish you both the best new year and I look forward to more sharing with you. Bonne et Heureuse Année.

  5. montucky said

    Have a wonderful new year!

  6. Karma said

    Bonne annee, Isa. J’espère que tu as une merveilleuse nouvelle année.

  7. Leah said

    Hi Isa,

    thank you for your comments on my blog! I love your photos, they are interesting and have good stories.

    I just posted a free 2014 calendar downloadable/printable PDF on my blog – it’s full of colorful for a colorful, creative 2014!

    • Happy New Year Leah and thanks a lot for your visit and nice words. I am not at home right now but later will download with great pleasure your colorful calendar. Very nice of you, thanks a lot. It sure will make any day brighter 🙂 Love your Art.

  8. Joanne said

    Happy new year Isa! I wish for you a magical 2014 surrounded by the people and things you love the most. 🙂

  9. sonali said

    Wishing you a very happy new year, Isa. May God bless you with god health, happiness & prosperity. Everytime I read french from you, It inspires me to learn the beautiful language. May be someday, I will… thank you very much!

    • Merci, sonali. Someday I will teach you quilting in French 😉 How about that ? In the meantime let me thank you warmly for all your visits and comments I appreciate a lot. And also let me wish you all the best for the New Year. Take good care of you.

  10. vagabonde said

    I come for a visit via Shore Acres’ blog. I see you live in Switzerland – it is so very beautiful there, and I also see that you showed a picture of the Bosphorus, a lovely photo. I have several photos of it as well as we went there last year, and my father was born along the Bosphorus. I even believe I have cousins there, but I don’t know their address. I will come back and read your earlier posts and in the meantime je vous souhaite une bonne continuation sur votre blog et une Nouvelle Année chaleureuse. Amicalement VB.

    • A tulip as a symbol…

      Bonjour vagabonde. Quel plaisir de faire votre connaissance !
      I am truly happy that we are both visitors of Linda’s Shoreacres great blog. I would love to see your own pictures of your stay in Istanbul. If you are interested, I have written another post about a previous visit to Istanbul, please see the link above.

      Before I left for my second visit to this unique city, I read two books by a Turkish writer you may like to read too. I will send the links by email.

      Merci de votre visite très sympathique. D’après votre blog, je vois que nous avons beaucoup d’intérêts communs, alors à bientôt j’espère. Bonne et Heureuse Année à vous et aux vôtres.

  11. Tammy said

    Quite fitting items for the New Year Isa! Blessings to you. Istanbul is a place that I have never visited but would love to see one day.

  12. Gerry said

    Isa, this is a beautiful post. Thank you for the boat ride and for the trip to the museum. Thank you for the depth of your feelings and the good that you spread in the world. You are balm to my spirit.

    • Dear Gerry, you just do not know how your visit and words touch me. I – we – have missed you and your thoughts a lot. I understand and respect your choice, I hope all is well in your lovely home in the forest and you and yours are safe in these stormy times. Take good care of you. Much gratefulness.

  13. Oui, Isabel, je suis d’accord.
    C’est vrai aussi que les érudits islamiques ont contribué beaucoup à la connaissance mathematique et scientifique – comme on peut vérifier par les mots algèbre, algorithme, etc.
    Bonne Année à toi et ta famille. x

    • Merci de tes mots, Janice et pardon d’être en retard pour te répondre. De tout coeur, je te souhaite une belle et heureuse nouvelle année, une bonne santé aussi, ainsi qu’aux tiens.

  14. Sartenada said

    Magnifique poste du Nouvel An! J’adore tes photos et le texte impliqués. Je te souhaite un agréable weekend!

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