27 Responses to “Karma’s photo challenge”

  1. shoreacres said

    What language is your word – French or English? 😉

  2. Great pics, Isa but I have no patience to figure out the word. Love your examples though, especially the tractor.

    Regards, yvonne

  3. sybil said


    Is the word: TRAVEL ?

    • shoreacres said

      I’ll bet it is, Sybil. I got T-ractor, R-ose, A-pricot —– E-ye and L-amp, but I missed one letter because I didn’t know Vespa. So, I used scooter and ended up with “trasel”, which made no sense, but it confirms that you probably have it right!

      • Hello Linda, you were quite close, Bravo to you also. Have you ever seen this charming film, “Roman Holidays” ? Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn ? The Vespa is a star too 😉

    • Hello sybil ! just a question : were you by any chance a relative or fan of Inspector Columbo ? 😉 Travel is the word, Yes and Bravo !
      I realize just now how much more confusing my choice of word was with all you saw in these five pictures. “Vespa” especially, although if one looks closely the word was written on the front of the scooter. Well done Sybil 🙂

  4. Oh dear, I failed! I got Tractor-Hibiscus-Orange-Moped-Eye-Lamp…. = Thomel! Thomel….?!!!!

    • Hello Janice, ce n’est pas catastrophique ! Essayé, pas pu. Mais au moins tu as fait un effort. Je n’ai pas réussi non plus chez d’autres participants. Je me rends compte que mon vocabulaire reste limité. Merci en tous cas de ta visite 🙂

  5. Karma said

    I must say I was stumped too! You have beautiful choices for photos, and a great word. I’m glad Sybil figured out your word and that you decided to participate in the photo hunt. 🙂

    • Bonjour Karma et merci encore pour cette chasse aux photos très intéressante et différente. J’ai appris un nouveau mot : “stumped” ! It’s amazing what everyone sees in the same picture, isnt’t it ? I enjoyed it very much.

  6. […] know how loosey-goosey the rules are around here so I said “but of course!” Isa has a colorful arrangement of beautiful objects, but I must admit she stumped me good. Our friend Sybil from up above was the smarty who first […]

    • Oh, désolée ma chère Karen, je n’ai pas vu ce commentaire “Z Wrap Up”. Excuse-moi. Merci de ton résumé très sympa et encourageant. J’ai beaucoup aimé ce défi. Zat wos rilly bioutifoul ! How about that for an outrageous French accent 😉 Passe un très bon weekend 🙂

  7. Carol said

    Yes! I got it! Love the photo choices.

  8. Beautiful examples! I guessed them all, but Vespa had me stumped…I was thinking scooter.
    Love “Roman Holiday”, btw. 🙂

    • Thanks a lot DailyClick. I was too sure of myself when I chose “Vespa”, scooter would have been a better definition for everyone. At least you enjoyed Audrey Hepburn on her scooter through the Roman avenues. Wasn’t she beautiful ?

  9. Robin said

    Your photos are beautiful, Isa. Vespa stumped me, too, so I was glad someone else had figured it out. 🙂

    • Thank you for visiting my blog, Robin, I am glad you enjoyed these photos taken outside my home since I was traveling…hence the word “travel” ( Tractor, Rose, Apricots, Vespa, Eye, Lamps).

  10. Dawn said

    This was so much fun, loved all your images!

  11. Dalo 2013 said

    Nice series, I love the tractor shot that opened this post…a different time.

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